ImplantMax Workstation

New Standard in Guided Implantology
Product Solution

ImplantMax Workstation

>New Standard in Guided Implantology
>Product Feature

Digital Solution

ImplantMax Software

Beacon Drillguide

OEM Solutions

Dental CT prevails in private clinics, and it provides 3D and undistorted jawbone image for diagnosis and pre-operative planning in dental implantation practice. Undoubtedly, CT imaging becomes a routine and eliminates guesswork from conventional planar X-ray radiograph.
Guided implantology, under such digital revolution, becomes the next step to transfer CT pre-operative planning into intra-operative surgery assistance. The key element is the surgical guide that enables guided drilling to elevate dental implantation into a new level as compared to freehand drilling. However, the current surgical guide fabrication is a cumbersome and error-prone process and guided implantology is only limited in complex treatment, such as edentulous cases. ImplantMax sets a new standard in guided implantology, aiming to promote the guiding technology into routine practice in every implantation case. ImplantMax provides an all-in-one solution for guided implantology, ranging from digital treatment planning, surgical guide fabrication, to surgical guide verification. The all-in-one approach streamlines guided implantology and greatly increases the throughput of digital technology in implantation practice.

All-in-one Solution
The current guided implantology offers surgical guide service. You use the planning software to prescribe the treatment plan, and then send it to the service bureau to fabricate the surgical guide. The back-and-forth communication between you and the bureau is time consuming and ineffective. ImplantMax offers an all-in-one system to integrate all key processes under your direct control, including planning, fabrication, and verification. ImplantMax streamlines guided implantation within one integral system to maximize digital implantology for the patient's benefit

Digital Model Navigation
When using your imaging software, are you still holding the mouse to prescribe your treatment for your implant work? The mouse is obsolete by touch technology. ImplantMax offers digital model navigation that allows you hold the probe and touch the model to associate the patient's jawbone image in real-time. The unique navigation technique brings the model to the center of your digital planning. No more mental conversion in your mind! You can directly evaluate the occlusal and jawbone conditions at the same time.

Verification as Safetykeeper
Verification of surgical guide is the ultimate safetykeeper for patient's benefit. How do you verify the accuracy of the surgical guide produced by the third-party service bureau or your own technician? Verification as safetykeeper is a must in guided implantology. ImplantMax includes an easy-to-follow protocol for surgical guide verification.